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12 hours ago

We're so grateful to have had the support of Chapman Tripp over the years and are proud to feature in their 2024 Report as they celebrate an incredible milestone – 150 years!

"For a small non-profit, it is incredibly valuable having the backing of an organization with the professionalism and expertise of Chapman Tripp – it gives us increased confidence to pursue our goals and, without question, has increased the impact we have." BLAKE CEO James Gibson.

Their report highlights the extensive community impact they've fostered throughout the years, featuring a look at their support for BLAKE. You can read it in full below 😊


Congratulations, @chapmantripp
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Were so grateful to have had the support of Chapman Tripp over the years and are proud to feature in their 2024 Report as they celebrate an incredible milestone – 150 years!

For a small non-profit, it is incredibly valuable having the backing of an organization with the professionalism and expertise of Chapman Tripp – it gives us increased confidence to pursue our goals and, without question, has increased the impact we have.  BLAKE CEO James Gibson.

Their report highlights the extensive community impact theyve fostered throughout the years, featuring a look at their support for BLAKE. You can read it in full below 😊


Congratulations, @chapmantripp
🙌👏🍃Image attachment
2 days ago

Meet the short-tail stingray/whai! 💙

BLAKE is proudly backing this magnificent creature for the upcoming Fish of the Year competition, hosted by Mountains to Sea Conservation's Trust. Voting will open from March 1st and we'd love your support!

Did you know? These impressive creatures (Bathytoshia brevicaudata) can grow up to 4.5 meters long (including tail) and they're known for the distinctive "smiley face" on their underside - a feature we all love!

The competition isn't just about picking favorites - it's about raising awareness for the challenges our awesome ika face while celebrating the biodiversity in Aotearoa's waters.

Ready to support the whai? Voting opens next month at www.mountainstosea.org.nz.

What do you love about the whai?!

#Seaweek2025 #fishoftheyear
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Meet the short-tail stingray/whai! 💙

BLAKE is proudly backing this magnificent creature for the upcoming Fish of the Year competition, hosted by Mountains to Sea Conservations Trust. Voting will open from March 1st and wed love your support! 

Did you know? These impressive creatures (Bathytoshia brevicaudata) can grow up to 4.5 meters long (including tail) and theyre known for the distinctive smiley face on their underside - a feature we all love! 

The competition isnt just about picking favorites - its about raising awareness for the challenges our awesome ika face while celebrating the biodiversity in Aotearoas waters.

Ready to support the whai? Voting opens next month at www.mountainstosea.org.nz. 

What do you love about the whai?! 

#Seaweek2025 #fishoftheyear
1 week ago

Love getting updates from our BLAKE Ambassadors!
Here's our DOC NZ Southern Dotterel Ambassador Aidan Sarginson, who has just returned from a month on Rakiura/Stewart Island, working to protect some of Aotearoa's most precious wildlife.
His mission? Helping save the critically endangered Southern New Zealand Dotterel by setting up predator traps along the Tin Range.
But that's not all – when a rat was detected on predator-free Ulva Island, Aidan jumped in to help DoC's rapid response team tackle the situation too.
Awesome mahi Aidan!
@Department of Conservation
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Love getting updates from our BLAKE Ambassadors!
Heres our DOC NZ Southern Dotterel Ambassador Aidan Sarginson, who has just returned from a month on Rakiura/Stewart Island, working to protect some of Aotearoas most precious wildlife.
His mission? Helping save the critically endangered Southern New Zealand Dotterel by setting up predator traps along the Tin Range. 
But thats not all – when a rat was detected on predator-free Ulva Island, Aidan jumped in to help DoCs rapid response team tackle the situation too. 
Awesome mahi Aidan!
@Department of ConservationImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment
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