Monday 25 December 2000
Peter Blake history
March 18, 2020

“Santa arrived by RIB from the shore, with red outfit and flowing white beard, booming ‘ho ho ho’ and with presents for all – but you had to sit on his knee before you got one.”
– Sir Peter Blake

James and Nick were really excited about today being Christmas day. Ollie prepared eggs benedict for breakfast and later the main meal of the day – roast, stuffed turkeys with ALL the trimmings. I made a point of selecting some suitable wines.

Looking out from on deck at 0120hrs (in the morning) – the sky was quite light to the south, over the top of the frozen mountains, and it wasn’t too cold (around 5 degrees C). There was hardly any wind ruffling the waters where we sat – far away from any ocean swell. The silence was intense. It was a great way to start our Christmas morning.

Santa arrived by RIB from the shore, with red outfit and flowing white beard, booming ‘ho ho ho’ and with presents for all – but you had to sit on his knee before you got one. A great meal started at 3.30 pm and finished late with some of us in bed and some dancing to very loud music in the saloon.

Photo credit: Don Robertson