Going to Antarctica

Going to Antarctica

Being selected as one of the two 2014 Blake NIWA Science ambassadors is the most incredible opportunity ever. I still remember the phone call at uni late into second semester last year. Just an average day, then a phone call from the trust that has changed my whole...
Terra Nova Bay

Terra Nova Bay

It has been another amazing week here on the Tangaroa. On Saturday we saw Antarctica which was an absolutely breath-taking experience that I’ll remember for the rest of my life! It began as a dark shape slowing appearing through the fog. Then the clouds parted showing...
Ross Sea

Ross Sea

We have now said goodbye to the towering cliffs and vast glaciers of the Balleny Islands and have been heading southeast tracking blue whales by following their low frequency calls. Yesterday we broke into the polynya that is the Ross Sea. The fantastic weather is...
60 Degrees South

60 Degrees South

On day five at 9:07 am we all held our breath as we passed 60 degrees south. This is quite the occasion on all ships as it marks the passage into true Antarctic waters. A sort of ceremony is held for us ‘freshers’ who haven’t passed the line before. At lunch the...
Heading back to Wellington

Heading back to Wellington

2 March 2015 Today marked the last official day of science here in the Ross Sea. The ship has now been turned north and the 8 day steam back to Wellington has begun. Since we left Terra Nova Bay a week ago we have been faced with some very challenging working...
Ice pancakes

Ice pancakes

Through the cloud a large dark shadow appears in the distance. I look at Blake and ask him, “Could that be it?” We both wait with anticipation, fizzing with excitement, and eyes fixed on the horizon. As we near, it becomes apparent that what we are looking at isn’t...