Jack Chapman

Student Voyager

Jack is a 17-year-old student at Mana College in Porirua. Jack’s whakapapa leads back to Ngati raukawa ki te tonga, Rangitaane and Muaūpoko. He is currently in his last year of school, studying Te Reo Māori, Chemistry, English, Calculus and Physics.

Jack was grateful to attend Blake Inspire in 2020, where he was further inspired to pursue his love for the environment and turn that into action and activism. He went on to make submissions to the local Council and work on community environmental projects.

Jack enjoys Waka Ama and also has a love of the outdoors, which is what makes him so passionate about the environment. He especially loves the marine environment and through visiting the virtually untouched Sub-Antarctic region hopes to understand how a highly functioning marine ecosystem works, compared to our local water in Aotearoa.

Jack is looking forward to forging new connections with like-minded students as well as gaining valuable knowledge to help him better understand the world around him. He also thinks the Expedition will help to cement his mind on what his future studies may hold. Jack is currently considering taking environmental sciences and mechanical engineering.