Lee Stanley

Casual Environmental Educator

Kia ora koutou!

I’m Lee Stanley, a passionate educator deeply connected to the natural beauty of Aotearoa. Growing up on the North Shore of Tāmaki Makarau, I was immersed in the wonders of the Waitematā Harbour from an early age, sparking a lifelong love for the outdoors. Today, as a kaiako for the BLAKE NZ-VR team, I have the privilege of combining my love of teaching with my passion for the environment. I’m dedicated to connecting our tamariki to the wonders of te taiao, showcasing its incredible complexity, and instilling the values of kaitiakitanga to preserve and respect our environment. My teaching journey has taken me across Aotearoa, the UK, Ireland and Australia, where I’ve led science road shows on topics ranging from Space to The Deep Sea. My time as a museum educator with Hui te Ananui A Tangaroa – the New Zealand Maritime Museum, further deepened my understanding of our histories and connection with the moana.

I look forward to the chance to visit your school soon, to share our kaupapa and to inspire our tamariki to embrace and protect our natural environment.