Rachel Worthington
As a child, Rachel spent many weekends exploring the Hauraki Gulf with her family, and grew up with a love of and fascination with the outdoors and the ocean. She enjoys kayaking, tramping and exploring and is about to graduate with Bachelor of Science from the University of Otago with majors in Oceanography and Geology.
She is particularly interested in geophysical, structural and marine geology and hopes to marry these with her love of physical oceanography. She spent last summer assisting with paleomagnetic and grain size analysis of Antarctic core samples from both the Friis Hills, and the Ross Sea. Ultimately, she would like to complete Antarctic research of her own.
Rachel is extremely excited and honoured to accept the BLAKE Ambassadorship, not only because she has dreamt her whole life about going to Antarctica, but for the opportunity it will give her to help her with her science outreach and make her a better teacher and mentor. She is excited to share her Antarctic adventures, and hopes to be able to inspire and encourage young people to pursue earth and ocean science study and climate change activism of their own!