Tessa Thomson
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Tararua te maunga
Ko Ōhau te awa
Ko Tukorehe te marae
Ko Ngāti Tukorehe te iwi
Ko Tessa Thomson tōku ingoa.
Kia ora! I am Tessa Thomson and I am so excited to be the BLAKE NIWA Freshwater ambassador for 2020. I have just finished my undergraduate degree at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, where I studied a Bachelor of Science majoring in Marine Biology and Māori Resource Management. My degree combined both my passion for the marine environment, and my passion for te ao Māori. Next year I will start my Masters in Marine Biology, and in the future I hope to work with iwi to understand how and why marine and freshwater resources have changed in abundance and health over time, and to help my own iwi and iwi all over Aotearoa in restoring damaged ecosystems. This BLAKE ambassadorship is an incredible opportunity, and something that I am extremely passionate about and excited for!