Ko Tainui te waka Ko Tararua te maunga Ko Ōhau te awa Ko Tukorehe te marae Ko Ngāti Tukorehe te iwi Ko Tessa Thomson tōku ingoa. Kia ora! I am Tessa Thomson and I am so excited to be the BLAKE NIWA Freshwater ambassador for 2020. I have just finished my undergraduate...
I’ve spent my last three years studying for my Bachelor of Science at the University of Canterbury in the Physical and Chemical Sciences department during which time I’ve discovered my main interest is in the boundary between physics and chemistry. I have always had a...
I’m Jenny Ann and I’m currently a Masters student at Massey University. My research is on the Long-spined sea urchin in north-east New Zealand and Rangitāhua. This urchin has the potential to damage our ecosystem and fisheries. My research will help us understand its...
Ever since I was young, I’ve been interested in marine life and the ocean. I remember particularly enjoying spending time gazing into intertidal rockpools and trying to name all the animals I could see. I grew up close to the beach and loved going fishing just out off...
Tēnā tātau, ko Watene Moana Campbell tōku ingoa, 18 tau taku pakeke, ka mutu, he tauira ture hoki i te Whare Wānanga o Wikitōria. Pakeke mai au nō roto mai ō Te Aho Matua, me te mea hoki kātahi anō au ka puta hai raukura i TKKM o Ngā Mokopuna, taku ahuru mōwai mō ngā...