Bhakti Patel

Bhakti Patel

Position: BLAKE Programme Manager/photographer and videographer I once bought a super nice but also expensive handbag. One of my academic colleagues decided it was so ridiculous that he started drawing handbags on my fish diagrams that I was supposed to demonstrate to...
Melanie Hayden

Melanie Hayden

Position: BLAKE Ambassador We decided to spread some Christmas cheer around the boat.  One person made some little paper Santa hats and we placed them on a few of the fish we caught, took photos and stuck them in various strategic places around the ship.  Let’s just...
Hiromi Beran

Hiromi Beran

Position: BLAKE Ambassador One time we were sorting fish into the dills on the ship. A scientist and I were in charge of the same couple of dills and it became a friendly competition to see who could sort the most fish. A hoki came along and slipped under my hands and...
Ben Lennard

Ben Lennard

Position: NIWA Electronics, Software and IT support Even new technology can fail for an Electronics guy.  I bought a new phone before the holidays, and a mate texted me.  I was in Napier at the time, and meant to send “Hey, I’m in Napier right now.”  My new phone...
Kelsey ‘Squiggle-dig’ Robertshaw

Kelsey ‘Squiggle-dig’ Robertshaw

Position: 3rd year Student at Bangor University and student intern from Bangor at NIWA I touched a head appendage of a ghost shark without gloves because I was told it would feel like Velcro… It did not. [insert picture of head appendage]. I’m working with NIWA on a...